KAS Study Resources for Finals

Hey Kinners! KAS has put together a guide to help YOU study for your finals! Check out some of our resources below to prepare you for your tough exams.

Making Flashcards

Don’t let study apps scare you — we’ve prepared helpful step-by-step tutorials on how to make flashcards using Anki or Quizlet! Take a look!


Ready to step up your set-up? We’ve created a KAS Notion template for beginners that you can use to stay on top of organization! Use this as your own personal website, where you can track all your deadlines, meals, expenses, and plan your week!

General Study Strategies:

Not sure where to start studying? Depending on the type of content that your course is on, you may want to opt for different visualization methods or study strategies.

Using learning objectives to form studying questions:

Forming questions helps familiarize yourself with the material and is a more active way of recalling content than rewriting your notes. Using the learning objectives is a good way to guide your understanding, as it allows you to identify gaps in your learning and reinforce the overarching themes of lecture content.

Diagrams of key topics/mechanisms:

Using diagrams helps you get a deeper understanding of how said topics or mechanisms occur, making it easier to know if you really understand what's going on.

Making a web between key topics:

This only works in certain scenarios, however, this is a great strategy to obtain a greater understanding of how things connect. An example of this would be the different pathways of cellular respiration, where drawing a web or in this case a directional web would make understanding the process much easier to remember. 

Practice problems:
There’s evidence that writing things down helps you remember things better! Doing practice problems on paper or tablet while writing down the questions/answers can help you take advantage of this effect on memory.

Good luck on all your finals Kinners! We hope these tutorials and tips will help you out <3


The KIN Academic Support Committee


Resources for Success