Study Breaks Are Important: Here’s How To Do Them Right

Hey everyone!!

As finals are around the corner, I wanted to take this opportunity to stress the importance of taking breaks during studying. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, evidence shows that it really is more helpful to your retention of the information you are studying as well as your mood to take a break once in a while.

Here are some positive study break activities: 

Take a walk, stretch, or go sweat out your jitters in the gym

These techniques definetely help increase blood flow and alleviate your body's tension, which is going to help reenergize you. Going outside to get some fresh air also gives your mind an opportunity to focus on something else for a while, which could potentially be better for more mentally challenging tasks such as memorizing or essay writing.

Tidy up or run a quick errand

Focusing amidst chaos can be quite difficult for most people, so it is advisable to clean your desk or study area durign one of your scheduled study breaks. However, you must refrain from using cleaning as an excuse to procrastinate. Moreover, if you find that your mind is racing between tasks on your to-do-list (such as laundry or grocery shopping), running a quick errand as a means of taking a study break can also make you feel equally productive !!

Phone a good friend or family member

Calling someone and having a small conversation, even for just 5-10 mins, enables you to focus on something else and even allows an opportunity for a good laugh. If you are stressed, talking to people who love you and care about you is an instant way of knowing you are supported, and the tough time shall pass. This is important for helping you stay positive during the tough exam season.

Express yourself through creativity

Whether it is cooking or colouring, drawing or having a 5 min dance-off with a friend, activities that stimulate the creative side of your brain can boost energy, cleear your mind, and enhance your mood. Your body will very much appreciate you taking time out for yourself to do something that makes you smile !!


During one of your scheduled breaks, take a few mindful minutes to meditate in a calm and quiet setting. Focusing on some simple breathing exercises can really revive and invigorate the mind so that it is ready to absorb more information !!

There are also some things you should avoid doing during your study breaks, as these are the wrong types of break activities that hinder your ability to stay attentive and concentrate. 

Snacking on junk food or eating huge meals

Although it might be easy to order in food or grab a sugary snack, these are high in calorie content and don't have a lot of nutritional value. This might lead you to putting on some extra weight during study season, which is something I am sure we all do not want. Secondly, when you are super focused on your studies, it is easy to wait until you are absolutely starving to stop and eat a meal. A lot of research shows how this is not beneficial as too much food tends to make the body feel tired and lethargic. So, opting for lighter meals and healthier snacks throughout your study process, might be a better idea.

Taking a nap

This might be very controversial, as I know there are many siesta lovers out there. If a nap is a must, then no more than a quick 20 min snooze is allowed. Napping also makes you feel more tired, as it slows down your brain activity, stunting productivity. 

Watching TV, surfing the web, video games, and other media-related activities

Rather than promoting efficiency, these activities are proven to make you feel more tired than you already are, since they don't allow your eyes to take a break from the screen. If possible, you should go for an activity that gets you moving, breathing, and relaxes your mind, without putting it to sleep. 

Excessive caffeine

Though caffeine can become your best friend during exams, too much of it has adverse effects and can actually cause you to crash and burnout by the end. Prioritize 7-8 hours of sleep instead, and you may find that you actually don't need coffee at all !! 

All in all, make sure you stay organized during your study sessions and ensure you have a plan. That way, you can track your progress and see if you have accomplished what you wanted to by the end of the day. My last and most important tip is: always remember to be kind to yourself. Sometimes study sessions go realy well and sometimes they don't because you may not be able to get everything done. However, it is essential to realize that not meeting your goals is normal. Next time, try and set more realistic targets, and ensure you plan your study days in a way you can enjoy them.



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